Thursday, October 25, 2007

SARCASM: Elvis Is Rolling Over in His Grave (Yes, He's Really Dead)

I saw a commercial on TV last night that I'd never seen before. A group of guys are sitting in a barn-like atmosphere playing instruments and singing (what I believed to be) "Viva Las Vegas."

I like that song so I'm singing along and bopping my head until they get to the chorus and instead of "Vivaaaaaa Las Vegas" I hear "Vivaaaaaa Viagra!!!!" Whoa! What?????!!!

Sad to say but with Elvis' penchant for drug-taking he'd probably be popping those little blue pills like candy if here were alive today and looking down and saying "Thank you. Thank you very much..." (written while curling my lip and using my best Elvis impersonation voice).

SARCASM: Isn't One of the Commandments "Thou Shalt Not Be Stupid?"

On a recent episode of the TV quiz show Cash Cab: After Dark I heard the following:

The question was regarding one of the Ten Commandments. The two people playing the quiz were a twenty-something male and female.

The female hears the question and looks at her partner and says, "Hellooooo, I'm Jewish, I don't know the Ten Commandments."

Um, what?

Did she get hit in the head with one of the tablets that Moses brought down from the mountain and presented to...THE JEWS!?!

Oy vey! It's called the Old Testament, people. LOL!

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