Thursday, January 31, 2008

BLOGGING: To Blog Or Not To Blog...

That is my question. I've been having some thoughts recently about discontinuing Daddy Dan Blog. I figured I'd write about it and see if anyone has any suggestions or opinions.

I've never found enough time to properly update this blog. My original goal was to post daily but I haven't been able to achieve that. There are various reasons that have kept me from achieving that goal and I'm always impressed and amazed at people who are daily bloggers--where do they find the time?

Last year was a difficult year and it didn't lend itself to be as prolific as I'd love to be. Health problems for my wife and kidney stones for me, losing my job, Mikey's diagnosis and therapy were all more important to me than making time at any costs to write on here.

Because I'm still unemployed and doing a job-search I still don't feel like my mind is completely clear enough to post on a regular basis.

I always feel like if I can't do something right then why do it...okay, maybe not to that extreme but I love to be able to throw myself into something 100% (and no, I won't say 110% because when people do that it drives me peeve, you can't give more than 100%...THAT'S THE POINT!).

I always envisioned a back and forth between me and the readers of Daddy Dan Blog. So far that hasn't happened. I know there are a few readers out there but I haven't heard from them. I've tried a few things to encourage comments or emails or suggestions but I guess you guys are all shy.

If I felt that some sort of communication would develop between you, the reader, and me, the blogger, then maybe I'd feel this was worth more time and effort on my part. Otherwise, it's just a public diary.

It's not that I don't have things to write about every day. Heck, I could pick up the newspaper or listen to the news and have 50 things to write about on a daily basis. Plus, my personal life always offers some fun stuff. It's definitely not for lack of content.

I think the problem is a generational issue. See, I feel that the younger generation has this concept that anything they write about is completely interesting and should be read by everyone. I don't feel that my generation believes that. We grew up in an environment where only the truly talented or interesting got the attention and accolades. There seems to be an issue of entitlement with the younger generation.

That entitlement idea extends through many areas of life...but especially in the workplace. If I could move off my main topic for a moment, and probably insult a bunch of people (sorry), just a comment about the aforementioned people:

My generation, and the ones before us, believed that if you worked hard and paid your dues you were rewarded by your employer at some point and in some way. But, it's my experience, that that is no longer the expectation among the younger workers. They expect to graduate and be making twice the salary they should be, they expect raises and promotions right away, etc. I'm not trying to sound like an "old man" because I'm not one. But I've witnessed every one of those things I wrote and, I grant you, I'm generalizing and I hate to do that, but, I'm not the only one who has seen this and believes it.

I think that part of the issue is the way those people were treated as children by their parents and community. I know this sounds silly but I think parenting nowadays is geared toward making kids feel entitled. Take, for instance, sports. There are now participation trophies. You show get a trophy. A reward for just going to the game. I played sports my whole life. Never got a trophy just for showing up. When I played on a bad team we didn't get anything for playing badly. We watched the champions get their trophies and we used that as motivation to work harder. I played on one baseball team that won our division three years in a row but lost to the same team in the championship all three years. We got trophies for winning our division but we wanted the big trophy. We didn't sit there and say, well, at least we won something.

But, I don't want to digress too much. I guess I just feel that, without feedback, I wonder if my content is worth posting.

When I apply for jobs I usually list Daddy Dan Blog as a sample of my writing. As is the case nowadays, I think a lot of employers research job candidates via Google or other resources on the Web. My blog represents part of my writing style but it also represents a lot of my life.

I've wondered if I've been doing myself more harm than good by listing my blog on my job applications/cover letters. While I believe I haven't written anything too crazy or controversial I assume that anything a person writes can be held against them in some way.

So, I think about whether or not it's worth trying to write honestly on this blog if someone could use it to deny me a job or some other thing of importance--and if I can't write honestly, again, is it worth it? This isn't a blog of fiction.

So, I ask you, the reader, for your opinion. Do you like what you read on this blog? Do you want to see it continue? Is there something you want me to write about or change about the blog? I welcome your comments and thank you for reading.

I've set up a poll on the blog for you to express your opinion about the future of Daddy Dan Blog. Thank you for your participation.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

LIFE: The Potential of a New Year

Happy Belated New Year to all! 2008 is finally, finally here. Whew!

As those of you who have read my blog during 2007 will know, last year (heck, the last two years really) was one of the most challenging times of my life. I'm ready...sooooo ready...for some good things to happen this year. I guess that's why the potential of a new year is so inspiring to us all.

My first focus for this new year is the same thing that I've been focused on since July. To find a job. I've been staying positive about this and I am hopeful that something will develop very soon (he said as he kept his fingers crossed). I have such energy and enthusiasm to get started in a new position. I want to be able to fully use my skills and experience and creativity for something worthwhile. I truly believe that humans want to work and like to work and that it is something we need as part of our healthy and happy lifestyle.  I'm ready...let's get started!

Of course, the most important thing this year is for Mikey to continue to do well with his autism therapy and to develop new skills and language. I'm so proud of the kid and he is my constant source of smiles. I've had people tell me that when I talk about Mikey they see this visible transformation in my face and I get this smile that is probably the most genuine thing in my life. Whenever I need some inspiration to pick me up I just watch him sitting and playing with his alphabet toys and listen to him saying the letters...gets me every time.

As with every year, there will be some important decisions in 2008. Personally, in addition to my career and Mikey's development, there are some family decisions to be made that need to be well thought out and made with an open mind and a dedicated heart. On a community level, we get to pick a new president this year. I always get excited at election time but this year, perhaps, is the most important election in many, many years. I'll comment more on Election 2008 next time.

If the end of year holidays are said to be a depressing time of the year for some then the New Year and all its potential has to be considered inspiring and joyous. You get a brand new 365 days to enjoy life and make your mark and experience all the wonders of the world. How can you feel anything but encouraged?!

I've been rereading a few of my favorite books about the Kennedy brothers and was reminded of one of my all-time favorite quotes:

"There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I
dream of things that never were, and ask why not."--Robert F. Kennedy

That's the way I feel about life in this New Year. Why can't I get a wonderful new job that is rewarding for both me and the employer? Why can't Mikey make incredible advances and begin to speak fluently? Why can't we make the positive changes it takes to make the world a more peaceful, happy, and healthy place for all living beings?

I'm searching for the ways to fulfill all the potential and promise of this year. I hope you'll do the same. Good luck to all of us. Have a great year!

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