Wednesday, February 13, 2008

SPORTS/POLITICS: If We Give Steroids To The Needy Will Congress Finally Be Interested?

For a good part of the day today the fiasco that is the Roger Clemens steroid story unfolded in front of a House committee. What a joke!!! Why is this even in front of Congress? What possible good is this doing? And on top of it the freakin' Republicans showed that they can't be honest and non-partisan about anything at all.

I swear I was sitting here thinking maybe we should give steroids to autistic children like Mikey, or to breast cancer victims, or to the poor and uninsured so that Congress would finally be interested in taking some serious action regarding some serious problems in this country.

I'm so tired of the government we've had for the past eight years. I'm tired of nothing good happening in this country. We keep hearing the Clinton and Obama camps saying that the U.S. people are ready for a change. Yes, we are! But it has to be the right change. It has to be a turn back to making this country free again and addressing the real problems we face.

If I could address the entire voting population of this country I'd tell them to stop voting against your best interest, stop voting in fear, stop taking religion or anything else that skews your reality into consideration when you vote and please think of what is truly good for the country when you vote in November. Why are things like peace, health care, prosperity for all, etc. considered to be so dangerous to some people?

Demand that your representatives in the government actually represent you!!! Make them write and vote for bills that are helpful and not just about what their special interests want. Demand that they stop wasting time on something like steroids in baseball and start spending time on stopping war; feeding the poor; curing things like breast cancer, autism, etc.

I'm writing out of frustration today. But I won't be voting that way in November. I hope you'll do the same.

P.S.--Don't forget to vote in my blog poll...see the sidebar.

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